Professional Experience
Full Professor (tenured), Florida Institute of Technology (2019 - present)
Professor, Florida Institute of Technology (2015-2019)
Associate Professor, Florida Institute of Technology (2005-2015)
Assistant Professor, Florida Institute of Technology (1996-2005)
Visiting Assistant Professor, College of William & Mary (1996)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University (1995)
Instructor, North Carolina State University (1991-95)
Additional Duties
Co-editor, Journal of International Education in Business, 2021 - present.
Faculty advisor for the Florida Tech Campus Chapter of Delta Mu Delta Honor Society, 2013 –present.
Faculty advisor for the Florida Tech Campus Chapter of Hillel, 2010-2014; 2021 – present.
Selected Publications
“Economic Impact Study of Kennedy Space Center in Florida – FY 2021,” (w/ Emanis, A.P., and, Vamosi, A.R.), 2022, NASA, NP-2022-04-332-KSC.
“Economic Impact Study of Kennedy Space Center in Florida – FY 2019,” (w/ Emanis, A.P., and, Vamosi, A.R.), 2020, NASA, NP-2020-02-204-KSC.
Space Coast Tourism Journal, Issues 1-8 (2018-2021).
“Study Tours and the Diversification of Cultural Capital Acquisition,” (w/ Vamosi, A.R., Perez, E.M., Durie, C., and Eisenberg, J.), 2016, Journal of International Education in Business, vol. 9(1): pp 70-86.
“The Benefits of Short-term Study Abroad as a Blended Learning Experience,” (with Durie, C., and Eisenberg, J.), 2012, Journal of International Education in Business, vol. 5(2): pp. 163-7; and in, Frontiers of Distance Learning in Business Education. (ed.), Hooman Estelami. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K., 2013, pp. 99-111.
“Brevard County Stormwater Awareness and Behavior: Antecedents of the LIVE BLUE Educational Campaign,” (w/ Vamosi, A.R., and Good, L.) in PERIODICA OECONOMICA vol. (5)1: Regional Development and Competitiveness. (ed.), A. Novotny. EKC Líceum Publishing Company, Eger, 2012: pp. 69-79.
“Erosion of a Dental Specialist’s Referral Network: An Economic Loss Template for Cyber-Defamation,” (with Vamosi, A.R.), 2011, International Journal of Management and Decision Making, vol. 11(5/6): pp. 344-57.
“Willingness-to-Pay Results for Stormwater Fees: A Case Study,” (with Vamosi, A.R.) in PERIODICA OECONOMICA vol. (3)1: Regional Development and Competitiveness. (ed.), A. Novotny. EKC Líceum Publishing Company, Eger, 2010: pp. 149-60.
“Surf Tourism, Artificial Surfing Reefs, and Environmental Sustainability,” (with Chambliss K., Vamosi, A.R., And Lindo, C.), in Sustainability 2009: The Next Horizon (ed.s) G. Nelson and I Hronszky. AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1157: New York: pp. 207-20.
“The Apportionment of Probable Benefits and Fees under a Proposed MSBU for Brevard County’s South Beaches,” (with PMG Associates, Inc. and Olsen Associates, Inc.), 2009.
“Enhancive Sustainability, Steady-State Sustainability, and the Structured Ecotourist,” (with Chambliss, K., and Vamosi, A.R.) in PERIODICA OECONOMICA: Regional Development and Competitiveness. (ed.s), M. Carmona, J. Szlávik, and E. Zám. University of Paris-Sorbonne IV-Eszterházy Károly College, 2008: pp. 19-35.
“Feasibility Study of Multi-Purpose Artificial Surf Reef for Brevard County, Florida,” (with Chambliss, K., Vamosi, A.R., and Lindo, C.), 2008.
“The EITC in Undergraduate Business Education,” (with Chambliss, K. and Lease, T.M.), 2007, The National Accounting Journal, (9)1: pp. 39-52.
“Attitude Towards Ecotourism and Environmental Advocacy: Profiling the Dimensions of Sustainability,” (with Singh, T. and Vamosi, A.R.), 2007, Journal of Vacation Marketing, (13)2: pp. 119-134.
Recognition & Awards
Florida Tech Student Leadership’s College of Business Teacher of the Year, 2006.
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2005.
Florida Tech Student Leadership’s School of Management Teacher of the Year, 2004.
Florida Tech Student Leadership’s School of Management Teacher of the Year, 2003.
Florida Tech Student Leadership’s School of Business Teacher of the Year, 2001.
Florida Tech Student Leadership’s School of Business Teacher of the Year, 2000.
International Economics and Finance Society, lifetime member.
American Economic Association, 1995-present.
Southern Economic Association, 1995-2007.
Principal Investigator, Florida’s Space Coast Office of Tourism, Bed Tax Collection Factors and Forecast – White Paper Report, $20.1K, via Office of Sponsored Research (September 2022).
Principal Investigator (w/ Vamosi, A.R.), Economic Impact of Kennedy Space Center in Florida FY 2021, NASA Contract No. 80NSSC22P0311, $30K, via Office of Sponsored Research (December 2021).
Principal Investigator (w/ Vamosi, A.R.), Economic Impact of Kennedy Space Center in Florida FY 2019, NASA Contract No. 80NSSC20P0188, $24.9K, via Florida Tech Consulting/Office of Sponsored Research (December 2019).
Principal Investigator (w/ Vamosi, A.R.), Florida’s Space Coast Office of Tourism, Research & Marketing Publication Series, FY’s 2017-21, $310.7K, via Florida Tech Consulting.